See Wylie Business System in Action

Integrated Med Spa Management Platform

Wylie provides a HIPAA compliant EMR with a custom, automated document management system. Key elements include; appointment scheduling, online booking, sales, packages and memberships, inventory, customer data tracking, before and after pictures, lead conversion, and integrated card processing.

Monitor All Aspects of Your Business With Our Effective Tool Kit



Online Booking



Membership Management


POS and Online Store

Integrated Credit Card Processing

Automate Your Operations to  Enhance Customer Satisfaction

“Fan of Wylie Business Systems!”

“Wylie Business System has provided features for me that I didn't even know existed and made my business life easier. Responsiveness on the part of the company has been amazing. I have called outside of business hours, I have asked questions (because I am not very technologically savvy), both via email and phone, and always received a solution-oriented response in a very timely manner.”

Bonnie H.

President; Health, Wellness, and Fitness


Simplify Processes

Use our simple solution to access customer information easily and send automated email/text reminders any time, anywhere. Make handling custom documents, such as patient consent forms, as simple and effective as possible with our digital document system.

Reduce Costs

Leverage Wylie Business System to automate your billing schedule and keep track of your packages and memberships in real-time.

Improve Customer Interactions

Engage more with your customers by letting our platform integrate and manage your eCommerce and online booking services seamlessly.

Manage Your Operations Better With Wylie Business System 

Track your overall business operations and automate billing and inventory management to focus more on customers with our proven SaaS-based solution. 


Ste. 85185 - 561 Brant St. Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G0




Wylie Systems Inc. offers companies solutions to track inventory, sales, and customer information in real-time.

footnote details[1] Capterra reviews

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.