
You Need

for eLearning

Inquisiq simplifies eLearning and eTraining with all the tools you need to deliver high-quality learning programs in one easy-to-use platform, available on any device.

Trusted by Millions of Users Globally

Build Your Learning Ecosystem

Inquisiq’s robust functionality, designed by trusted eLearning experts, provides all the features you need in an easy-to-use package.

Configurable Interface

Get easy access to the information and features you use most with our mobile-friendly, skinnable, and multilingual interface and customizable dashboards.

Blended Learning

Deliver eLearning, instructor-led-training, and on-the-job training all on one platform for a more efficient and effective training program.

SCORM Compatibility

Enjoy easy interoperability with all content authoring tools and third-party course libraries, and utilize our SCORM wrapper for video, PPTs, and PDFs.

Learning Automation

Automate course enrollment, group access, reports, and permission management for intelligent, effortless control of your learning program.

Social Learning

Facilitate communication with a built-in messaging center and user communities, plus walls and feeds that drive peer-to-peer collaboration.


Simplify eCommerce with an integrated cart, payment gateways, public course catalogs, and the ability to create and distribute discount codes.

Less Stress. More Learning.

What Our Clients Say

Millions of users around the globe trust Inquisiq to help deploy, manage, and track education programs customized to their needs.

"Inquisiq has been a big part of us being able to deliver content and grow our business...It's our training platform, its our student information platform, and it does all these things even with a little front-facing webstore as well."

"Their support is second to none, and I can count on getting questions answered or problems solved quickly and efficiently. I would immediately recommend Inquisiq to anyone considering setting up an LMS in the hosted environment."

Alberto L.

Andy K.

Construction Education and Safety Company

Instructional Media Developer at Convergent Performance

See Inquisiq in Action

Sign up using this form for a free, personalized live product demo.

20+ years of experience

3,000+ integrations available

Tens of thousands of courses

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