FullStory tells you everything you need to know about your digital experience.

Deliver exceptional experiences by letting our easy-to-use, intelligent software pinpoint when, where, and how user struggle is affecting your revenue and retention.

Improving billions of experiences at brands like:

Access actionable insights with our intuitive, easy-to-use application.

Better understand and communicate issues.

See how users interact with your site or app with high-fidelity session replay and intelligent heatmaps.

Give stakeholders visibility into the digital KPIs.

Calculate and track business critical KPIs, such as conversion rate or average order value, with custom dashboards.

Optimize the entire user journey.

Power up digital experience improvement with an accessible, easy-to-use platform for both technical and non-techinal teams.

Custom Conversion Analysis

Analyze your user journey step-by-step, see when, where, and why your customers take an unexpected turn.


Quickly determine which areas of your pages are hot, cold, or lukewarm, and see what needs to be done to increase engagement.

Session Replay

Get a perfect reproduction of your site or app in action that renders beautifully on any size screen so you never miss a detail.


Filter by names, URLs, button text, and more, providing smart suggestions to help you complete your search.

Privacy Tools

Access a suite of tools to help you comply with user privacy, including the ability to securely delete users and consented recording.

Automatic Alerts

Set threshold alerts for saved segments to receive an email or Slack message each time the user count exceeds or falls below the normal zone.

Dev Tools

Analyze bugs as they occur and understand what impacts loading speeds to provide clairvoyant-level customer support to your entire user base.


Through our wide array of integrations — as well as a flexible API that lets you build your own — FullStory adds truth, clarity, and data to your team’s favorite tools.

Never miss an issue or opportunity with machine learning insights.

Move faster and save hours of engineering time.

Make notes, share sessions, and pair visualizations with your network and console information.

Customize FullStory data to suit your needs.

Easily pull in custom event data to add additional context to FullStory’s out-of-the-box insights via our Javascript API.

See why product leaders use FullStory.

“Great for understanding user behavior”

"FullStory is helping us immensely with UX/UI research and how to improve our app. It also helps us with customer support because we can easily identify what a user did and where he ran into trouble. I recommend it for any SaaS company looking to better understand the behavior of their users."

Nikola S.




“Get the Full Story on your Users”

"I love not only how it records your users' sessions so you can literally watch what they did on your website, but also how it then provides you analytics on their habits. It breaks down device usage, what browser they were on, clicks, error clicks, page load times, and more."

Nicole R.

Senior Product Designer



“Super useful to understand customers”

"FullStory is great to allow me to understand how customers are using our app, or to understand if what they mention as a bug is really an issue with understanding our product, or a legitimate problem to be solved by our engineering team."

Thibault L.

Customer Success



See how FullStory can help you take your digital experience to the next level.

See FullStory in action.

We're ready to answer your questions, provide product demos, and build a custom plan that meets your needs. Let us know how we can help.

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* Capterra

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.