(866) 367-3467 ext. 1

Get up and running today!

Share information with accounting systems

Access information from anywhere via the web

User-friendly, flexible interface

Approval rules enforced

No hardware, software or IT resources needed, we manage the application 24/7

Enable remote workers

"[The Lead Engineer at DocuVantage] is responsive and helpful when trying to solve any challenges we have, implementing enhancements to meet our organization's specific needs. We appreciate that our suggestions are taken seriously and that we receive such personalized customer service."

— Christi Bane,

Manager, Operations, TB Alliance

Features of DocuVantage OnDemand

Drive Accounts Payable processes (including routing, approval, collaboration and even records retention scheduling) while seamlessly blending all of the associated invoices, POs, and other documents into the process.

Search by Index Fields & Document Content

Multi-Level User Permissions

Email Connector

Users can locate documents by using the metadata instead of clicking through folders. Docuvantage will also search within documents for the words you are looking for.

Control who has access to files based on permissions assigned to different users.

Automatically upload invoices that are emailed and eliminate paper invoices. Our email connector will start the approval process for you.


Our built-in reporting tool allows customers to create their own reports. Examples include, how many invoices are in the approval process, invoices due in the next 30 days, and how long it takes for invoices to be approved.

Electronic Approvals

Use the workflow to route invoices and obtain the approvals needed to pay invoice. No more signatures needed.

Set File Reminders

With important files, set automated alerts to remind people to do something like pay an invoice before it is due.

Process Overview

Invoices emailed from vendors are automatically picked up and uploaded into DocuVantage OnDemand. From there, the approver gets an e-mail notification that tells them there is an invoice that needs to be approved.

Export all approved invoices and import them into your accounting system. Accounting users can easily update the account, vendor, and department lists. DocuVantage can also use form scripting to further customize the routing form.

One Solution for All Documents

DocuVantage OnDemand isn't just an Accounts Payable solution; you can share the same system with your co-workers in other departments.

One solution for all your companies document and records management needs. All your information at your fingertips, from anywhere, anytime.

"From the very beginning (my initial inquiry), through setup, and now well into the usage of DocuVantage - I have been thoroughly impressed with the customer service and experience that comes along with this product. You don't just pay for the software and have to figure it out - they have helped me along the way with setup, customization, and any questions or concerns I've had."

"The HR department went online with DocuVantage in 2016. DocuVantage worked with us to help us get everything setup and they are there anytime we need assistance. the HR Department has NO paper files any longer. Everything is on DocuVantage. We LOVE it."

Jessica Haskins,

Debbie Baum,

Office Administrator, ReverbNation

HRIS Director, YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas



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