Anytime, anywhere signing

Businesses everywhere agree: DocuSign eSignature is fast, secure and easy to use. See how DocuSign can help your business send, sign and track agreements with ease.

DocuSign eSignature is the #1 way to sign electronically – anytime, from almost anywhere, on practically any device.

Agree faster

Boost security

Increase efficiency

82% of DocuSign agreements are completed in less than a day – with 50% completed in less than 15 minutes.

DocuSign eSignature adheres to industry-best data encryption standards.

DocuSign helps eliminate manual tasks and provides a more convenient way to send, sign and track agreements.

Reimagine your entire agreement process with DocuSign

Companies today have to be agile; DocuSign gives businesses the flexibility they need to maintain continuity and keep customers happy. Hundreds of millions of users around the world rely on eSignature every day to simplify and accelerate their processes.

Stay secure and compliant

Audit trail

Track your document through every step with a complete, automated history of every activity.

Signer authentication

Make sure your signers are who they say they are with multiple levels of authentication.


Specify a custom watermark to differentiate draft documents from completed documents.

Save time via automation


Prepare quick-send documents with reusable templates that save tags, field placements, and more.

Reminders and notifications

Set up automated email and SMS text reminders for signers and deadline notifications to expire untouched documents.

Real-Time reporting and status

Track your transactions and understand the data – every signature, approval, and related recipient. 

350+ integrations to help streamline your processes

See how our customers are succeeding with DocuSign

Find out why 4,000+ Capterra customers have given DocuSign an average rating of 4.75 / 5 stars.

“Embrace the future and stop wasting paper and time”

“Makes Paperwork Seamless ”

“Making signing legal documents a piece of cake!”

"Obtaining a DocuSign account was one of the smartest decisions I made in my role in HR. I figured we'd obtain this software and use it to sign documents on an ad-hoc basis, but because it's so easy to use and simple to customize, it's truly become an extension of our business and is used by many departments, HR, Legal, Finance, and Executives."

"DocuSign has allowed me to send and receive signed contracts and other documents in a seamless, rapid way. I have concluded agreements in a more efficient way thanks to this tool. It has also allowed [us] to sign things without the hassle of other applications. This is a huge time and energy saver."

"The DocuSign interface is flawless and clean. It's really easy to organize documents and apply templates. There are a number of great dashboard views that make it easy to track which documents are still pending or have been completed. Groups of documents can be made into a template that can be sent to an individual."

Loiane G.

Nadia B.

Sandy H.

VP – Business Analysis


HR Manager

Get started with DocuSign eSignature today

See the world's #1 way to sign in action.