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Powerful, Intelligent Search and Discovery Solution

Create a fast, relevant, and scalable search experience for your users. Algolia's flexible search APIs enable you to build next-generation apps that deliver relevant content in milliseconds.

Leaders in every industry choose Algolia

Build an optimized and performant search experience

Rely on Robust APIs

Leverage scalable and advanced API building blocks to easily build an optimized search experience.

For Every Developer

Use your preferred language to build production-ready search in no time, with documentation and tools for every stack.

True Omnichannel Capability

Roll out and manage multiple consistent experiences across different devices, brands, divisions, and portfolios from one platform.

Improved Competitiveness

Generate higher conversions by implementing a new digital experience quickly, without impacting your backend.

Search solutions for any industry or use case


Leverage Personalization AI to analyze users’ actions and surface the most relevant content to them.

AI-Assisted Merchandizing

Combine the knowledge of your business teams with the insights of AI to continually optimize the user experience.

A/B Testing

Optimize for relevance and performance with A/B testing. Tune and test your search, measure, and improve outcomes. 

Visual Editor

Walk your visitors through enjoyable content navigation and product merchandising using a visual drag-and-drop interface.

Advanced Analytics

Uncover search-to-conversion insights by understanding what your customers are searching for, interacting with, and clicking on.

Customizable Web Crawler

Tailor the crawler to make sure it accurately interprets your content, ensuring an optimal end-user experience. 

See why our customers love us

"Very good search and value for money. The best feature is the simplicity of integration with your project, both in the back and front ends, as well as the ease with which the queries may be built."

Luis D.

Co-Founder, Legal Services

"We've been using Algolia to power search on our local directory in Canada. As we continued to add functionality to different parts of the application a phrase kept popping up "Why not just use Algolia for that?". We're now on their best package and I would recommend them to anyone."

Ryan M.

Head of Product

"Algolia search is very easy to implement and I could test it very easily. I wanted an alternative to Google's product but without losing quality and that's exactly what I've found with Algolia."

Farid K.


Create a frictionless discovery experience for your users


footnote details[1] Capterra

Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates. Reviews have been edited to account for errors and readability.