Intuitive Pre-Employment Testing Software

TalentSorter is a cloud-based software that helps you post job openings, assess applicants, sort resumes using our intelligent FitScore®, and more.

Make More Informed Talent Decisions with TalentSorter

Discover Ideal Candidates

Find out which candidate has the right attitude and personality for the role. 

Reduce Time to Hire

Save hiring time with our assessments while improving quality of hire.

Drive Employee Retention

Reduce turnover by up to 70% and identify the hidden stars you should be developing.

Easy-to-Use, Flexible and Scalable Platform

Assess and uncover an applicant’s core personality traits, attitudes, and standards with our intelligent AI from anywhere, anytime.

Personality and Behavioral Assessments

Use AI to asses and uncover a person's core behavioral traits, attitudes, and standards.

Custom Questionnaires

Create custom questionnaires to pre-screen candidates and identify traits most critical to the success of the position.

Individualized  FitScore® 

Efficiently gauge if a candidate has the right soft skills, knowledge, and experience for the job with a FitScore beside their name.

Advanced Reports

Easily generate ideal candidate reports for each new position and job fit reports for each candidate.

Centralized Dashboard

View all information about a candidate, including FitScore, reasoning score, and attachments, in our dashboard.

Seamless Integrations

Configure and integrate TalentSorter with your existing ATS, or use ours at no additional cost.

See What Our Customers Are Saying

"What I like most about the tool is the information it gives you along with an interview guide to utilize that information. It will give you a break down of where the applicant scores against the pattern that you create from your best sales people or whatever position it is you're hiring to."

Devin K.

Assistant Agency Director


"I like that all applicants are in one location, and the applications are easy to sort through. I can easily tell who should be a good fit and have all of the candidates ' pertinent information at my fingertips. I like how easy it is to post our positions to recruiting sites."

Amanda Y.

Human Resources Manager


Get Results When You Have the Right Tools to Hire Better People

Raise hiring standards across all locations, improve customer satisfaction, and get better ratings.

See TalentSorter in Action


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